How is Waste Managed at Green Forest Eco-Lodge in Cuyabeno National Park?

How is Waste Managed at Green Forest Eco-Lodge in Cuyabeno National Park?

How is Waste Managed at Green Forest Eco-Lodge in Cuyabeno National Park?

The location of the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve is within a territory that contains a great variety of animals and plants that can only be found in this part of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to follow appropriate practices related to sustainable tourism. However, Green Forest Ecolodge manages its waste care and treatment within the area.

Since tourism is one of the main activities in the Cuyabeno area, it is essential to maintain good waste management and control. Green Forest Ecolodge follows these strategies to address this issue:

Visitor Rules: Tourists and guides are required to take any waste they may produce in the area, ensuring they do not leave a negative impact on the natural environment.

Waste Collection: Waste is classified by service providers as organic and inorganic. Organic waste is typically treated with a decomposition process within the locality when possible.

Waste Disposal: Waste such as plastics, food scraps, paper, metals, and more are packed and transported out of the Cuyabeno National Park to treatment or recycling centers in the nearest town, commonly Lago Agrio.

Raising Environmental Awareness: We safely and effectively educate visitors on how their actions can positively impact the area, encouraging care for the places they visit and reducing pollution.

It is important to consider that each of these strategies is taken into account to ensure proper care and conservation of the reserve, as well as optimal and safe waste management. Green Forest Eco-Lodge implements each of these strategies, creating a positive impact within the area and raising awareness among visitors of the importance of taking care of Cuyabeno responsibly.

If you need more information about how our cleaning and maintenance system works, feel free to ask.

If the nearest road is on the other side of the river, at what time does the garbage truck pass by? Let’s talk about a simple topic that becomes complicated with the following question: if the nearest road is on the other side of the river, at what time does the garbage truck pass by?

Green Forest Ecolodge | Cuyabeno Ecuador

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How to Get to Cuyabeno?

From Quito to Lago Agrio
Private Shuttle (30 USD one-way or 50 USD roundtrip per person)

Departure from Mariscal area at Blue House Hostel (Joaquin Pinto E8-24 y Diego de Almagro) at 10:50pm.

*Return to Quito: The drop off is at (Jóse de Antepara y Rios, in the Old Town or at Veintimilla and Juan León Mer), in La Mariscal.

*So please keep in mind that you might have to take a taxi to your accommodation after arriving in Quito.

Ask about private transportation from the city of Ecuador.

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